ng Pressure Mattress is a low air bed that filled wit


What is Alternating Pressure Mattress?

Alternating Pressure Mattress is a low ai r bed that filled with air cells so that contact/pressure points of the body could be reduced. These are designed for great comfort and enhanced circulation and prevent vital role in preventing bedsores.

It is an advance medical mattress technology that reduces pressure on the body and prevents skin breakdown and protect from bedsores.

It comes with different treatment time options such as 5,10, 15,20 minutes cycles. After completing the cycle, the deflated cells refills with the original firmness.

 Who Use Alternating Pressure Mattress?

These Mattresses are used for patients w ho have a risk of developing ulcers or pressure sores, commonly called “Bed Sores.” These air beds are designed for great comfort that enhances circulation and uses in both home care and hospital environment.

Furtherly, these mattresses are used for burn patients, Multiple sclerosis, and Lou Gehrig’s disease, etc.

Pressure ulcers are skin injuries caused by prolonged pressure. Meanwhile, bedsores can be anywhere and mostly developed in soft bony areas of the body like heels, ankles, tailbone, hips, back, and shoulder blades.




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